PCI-1265 Full DSP-based 6-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Card PCI-1265 is a 6-axis universal PCI (supporting both 3.3 V and 5 V signal slot) stepping/pulse-type servo motor control card designed for applications which need to control interpolation, synchronization among multiple axes, continuous contouring and high speed triggering to integrated machine […]
PCI-1285 Full DSP-based 8-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Card PCI-1285 is a 8-axis universal PCI (supporting both 3.3 V and 5 V signal slot) stepping/pulse-type servo motor control card designed for applications which need to control interpolation, synchronization among multiple axes, continuous contouring and high speed triggering to integrated machine […]
PCI-1274 Multiple 12/16 Channel Latch/Compare Trigger Function The PCI-1274 is a basic motion control PCI card with multi-latch/compare trigger function. PCI-1274 utilizes the high-performance FPGA to provide Point-to-Point, Latch and Compare Trigger with a SoftMotion algorithm inside to perform precise position control. PCI-1274 also has internal FIFO to enable high […]
PCI-1245V Value DSP-Based 4-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Card The PCI-1245V is a 4-axis universal PCI (supporting both 3.3 V and 5 V signal slot) stepping/pulse-type servo motor control card designed for applications which need to control interpolation, synchronization among multiple axes and continuous contouring. The PCI-1245V utilizes the high-performance […]
PCI-1285V Value DSP-Based 8-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Card Value DSP-Based 8-Axis Stepping and Servo Motor Control Universal PCI Card
PCIE-1245E Economic 4-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Express Card PCIE-1245/1245E series are 4-axis motion control PCI Express cards designed for electrical and traditional machine automation applications. Equipped with SoftMotion algorithm, the board can perform motion trajectory and timing control to meet the synchronization in precise movement.
PCIE-1245 Full 4-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Express Card PCIE-1245/1245E series are 4-axis motion control PCI Express cards designed for electrical and traditional machine automation applications. Equipped with SoftMotion algorithm, the board can perform motion trajectory and timing control to meet the synchronization in precise movement. Specifications
PCI-1240U 4-axis Stepping and Servo Motor Control Universal PCI Card Advantech introduces the PCI-1240U 4-axis stepping/pulse-type servo motor control card designed for general-purpose extreme motion applications. The PCI-1240U is a high-speed 4-axis motion control card for the PCI bus that simplifies stepping and pulse-type servo motor control, giving you added […]
96PD-THS16B IP65 High Accuracy Temperature & Humidity Sensor 96PD-THS16B is a high accuracy industrial used temperature and humidity sensor. With IP65 and full coating design, 96PD-THS16B can support most of the harsh environment in the world.
WISE-S100 Intelligent Stack Light Monitoring Sensor With WISE-4000 wireless modular I/O series to pair with WISE-S100 sensor, users are capable of having the remote and intelligent OEE solution without stopping the machinery, worrying about tangle wiring or tearing the light tower cables apart to enhance the productivity and OEE.
ADAM-3600 series ADAM-5000 Series ADVANTECH ASUS IOT Automation Controllers & I/O Electronic Sounders Embedded Automation Computers Gateways & Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) Human Machine Interfaces I/O Modules Industrial Computer Intelligent Communication Gateways LOGO! logic module Motion Control Panel PC Power & Energy Pulse Train Motion Control Cards Qlight Remote I/O S7-1200 SIEMENS Signal Beacons Signal Beacons & Sounders Signal Tower Lights SIMATIC Controllers Smart IoT Sensing Solutions Sounders Touch Panel Computer Tower Lights Wireless I/O & Sensors