• Remote CO2/Temperature/Humidity/Dew Point Data Logger with Safety Alarm (RS-485, Ethernet, PoE) Features Introduction The DL-300 series of Data Logger devices can be used to record CO, CO2, Temperature, Humidity and Dew Point information, including date and time stamps, and are able to store up to 450,000 downloadable records. Real-time data […]

    Read more: DL-302
  • PM2.5/CO2/Temperature/Humidity/ Dew Point Data Logger Module Features Introduction The CL-200 series of data logger devices can be used to record PM2.5, CO, CO2, temperature, humidity and dew point information, including the date and time stamps, and are able to store up to 450,000 downloadable records. Real-time data can be accessed […]

    Read more: CL-212-E
  • Ethernet I/O Module with 2-port Ethernet Switch, 8-ch AI, 4-ch DO Features Introduction The ET-7217 is a module with 8-channel differential analog inputs and 4-channel digital ouputs. It provides programmable input range on all analog channels (+/-150 mV, +/-500 mV, +/-1 V, +/-5 V, +/-10 V, +/-20 mA, 0 ~ […]

    Read more: ET-7217